Robot Universal Clamping Frame System
Machine Type
SWF 395mm (UH Series)
SWF 445mm (UK & Compact Series)
Tajima 360mm
Machine Type
Additional Information
Easily adjustable clamping arms allow you to stitch on an even bigger selection of products than ever before.
The Robot Frame allows you to adjust the clamping arms to suit a variety of products, including shoes, backpacks, purses, belts, neck ties, dog leads, and collars.
The Embroidery Robot Frame Clamping System mounts just like your embroidery machine’s tubular hoop and fits directly into your machine’s work holding frame arms.
Works with SWF, & Tajima products, if you are looking to use on a different embroidery machine such as Barudan/Ricoma/Happy then please contact us directly on 01623-863343 or