DTG Dupont Artistri P5100 Cyan Ink (1ltr)
DTG Dupont Artistri P5100 Cyan Ink (1ltr).
Dupont Artistri Inks when cured correctly produces vibrant colour images on light, white and dark garments. When used alongside Original DuPont Artistri White ink, the ink will perform spectacularly and give a wash fast and durable image.
The DuPont CMYK ink set requires no special installation, it is compatible with many Direct to Garment Printer using an Epson Print Head. It can also be used as a colour cote over other white DTG inks but won't be as good if you mix manufacturers.
DuPont Artistri textile ink is compatible with the following printers.
- R-Jet 4 iWICS & R-Jet 5
- DTG Kiosk, Kiosk HM1, Kiosk 3 (K3) Viper 1 & 2, M-Series Industrial M2, M4, M6
- T-Jet 2 - T-Jet Blazer Express & Pro
- Neoflex
- TexJet & TexJet Plus, Echo, Shortee.
- Anajet Sprint
- DIY Epson DX5 based printers.
YES Group Purchase ink only directly from Dupont USA in Bulk and is decanted in our professional ink lab environment.
All ink stock is automatically agitated keeping it fresh and in perfect condition.